Virtual Graffiti

Author: Alex  |  Category: Gadgets

For those who have been to a public toilet or taken a ride on a lift, it is inevitable that you will see graffiti on the walls. This graffiti can be rather annoying and a sore eye but good use of it can be a great advertising tool.

However, this street art is experiencing a change. Introducing YrWall, an interactive virtual graffiti wall. It is basically graffiti with a can that contains no paint, only a button and IR light source which is tracked using a computer vision system. A pop-out interface is provided which enables the user to work with digital paint to create their own digital graffiti art. No more swapping paint cans to change colour or having to wear a face mask and gloves, this is totally environmentally friendly and accessible by anyone without any prior computer or graffiti skills.

Whether you are selling furniture or life insurance, YrWall can be quite an eye catcher.

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