Cool Vomit Bag

Author: Alex  |  Category: Wierd

For many pregnant mothers out there, there are few things thing that are unavoidable such as morning sickness and weight gaining. When you talk about morning sickness, it only means there is a constant demand for vomit bags. Unfortunately, most vomit bags comes in boring design.

A Vancouver-based company came up with a fantastic idea. Introducing Morning Chicness Bags, a bag for pregnant women to carry without being embarrassed. The founder, Tara decided to design chic and affordable morning sickness bags, and so she conceived Morning Chicness Bags. Come in six attractive designs that any mom would be proud to include in her purse. All are made of sturdy paper with leak-proof polyethylene lining and horizontal closure clip.

What a cool and simple idea. As for weight gaining, for ladies out there, maybe you can just check out ultra 90 review.

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